Techniky opravy automobilov Discovery 3
Auto v dielni
When working on a vehicle in the workshop always make sure that: Where practicable, the parking brake is applied and the wheels are securely chocked to prevent the vehicle moving forwards or...
When working on a vehicle in the workshop always make sure that: Where practicable, the parking brake is applied and the wheels are securely chocked to prevent the vehicle moving forwards or...
Akumulátorová batéria
UPOZORNENIE: Je nevyhnutné, aby po odpojení batérie uplynie 10 minút predtým, ako sa vykoná akákoľvek práca na ktorejkoľvek časti systému SRS. VAROVANIE: Pred vykonaním akýchkoľvek postupov, ktoré...
UPOZORNENIE: Je nevyhnutné, aby po odpojení batérie uplynie 10 minút predtým, ako sa vykoná akákoľvek práca na ktorejkoľvek časti systému SRS. VAROVANIE: Pred vykonaním akýchkoľvek postupov, ktoré...
Štartovanie motora auta
UPOZORNENIE: Aj keď sa neodporúča, aby sa vozidlo naštartovalo pomocou štartovacích káblov, uznáva sa, že to môže byť občas jediný praktický spôsob mobilizácie vozidla. Mali by ste sa odvolávať na...
UPOZORNENIE: Aj keď sa neodporúča, aby sa vozidlo naštartovalo pomocou štartovacích káblov, uznáva sa, že to môže byť občas jediný praktický spôsob mobilizácie vozidla. Mali by ste sa odvolávať na...
Ťahanie auta
UPOZORNENIE: Ak je potrebné vlečenie, musíte si pozrieť časť Zdvíhanie, zdvíhanie a ťahanie v tejto príručke. Pri ťahaní vozidla musí byť spínač zapaľovania v polohe II (steering lock released and...
UPOZORNENIE: Ak je potrebné vlečenie, musíte si pozrieť časť Zdvíhanie, zdvíhanie a ťahanie v tejto príručke. Pri ťahaní vozidla musí byť spínač zapaľovania v polohe II (steering lock released and...
Všeobecné pokyny na inštaláciu
Component removal Whenever possible, clean components and the surrounding area before removal. Blank off openings exposed by component removal. Following disconnection, seal fuel, oil or hydraulic...
Component removal Whenever possible, clean components and the surrounding area before removal. Blank off openings exposed by component removal. Following disconnection, seal fuel, oil or hydraulic...
Všeobecná kontrola komponentov
All components should be inspected for wear or damage before reassembling. Always ensure that component to be inspected is clean and free from oil or grease. When a component is to be checked...
All components should be inspected for wear or damage before reassembling. Always ensure that component to be inspected is clean and free from oil or grease. When a component is to be checked...
Uzamykacie zariadenia
Always replace locking devices with one of the same design and of the correct size. Tab washers . Always release locking tabs before loosening fixings, do not re-use tab washers. Locknuts . Always...
Always replace locking devices with one of the same design and of the correct size. Tab washers . Always release locking tabs before loosening fixings, do not re-use tab washers. Locknuts . Always...
Označenia skrutiek a matíc
An ISO metric bolt or screw made of steel and larger than 6 mm in diameter can be identified by either of the symbols ISO M or M embossed or indented on top of the bolt head. In addition to marks...
An ISO metric bolt or screw made of steel and larger than 6 mm in diameter can be identified by either of the symbols ISO M or M embossed or indented on top of the bolt head. In addition to marks...
Guličkové a valčekové ložiská
When removing and installing bearings, ensure that the following practices are observed to ensure component serviceability: VAROVANIE: Na demontáž väčšiny ložísk boli vyvinuté servisné nástroje;...
When removing and installing bearings, ensure that the following practices are observed to ensure component serviceability: VAROVANIE: Na demontáž väčšiny ložísk boli vyvinuté servisné nástroje;...
Hydraulický brzdový systém
Brake Pads and Linings Always fit the correct grade and specification of brake pads and linings. When replacing these items, always replace as complete axle sets. Brake Hydraulics Always observe the...
Brake Pads and Linings Always fit the correct grade and specification of brake pads and linings. When replacing these items, always replace as complete axle sets. Brake Hydraulics Always observe the...
Flexibilné rúry a hadice
When removing or installing flexible hydraulic pipes and hoses, ensure that the following procedures are observed to ensure component serviceability: Prior to removal, clean area around hose or pipe...
When removing or installing flexible hydraulic pipes and hoses, ensure that the following procedures are observed to ensure component serviceability: Prior to removal, clean area around hose or pipe...
Hadice a svorky palivového systému
Fuel system hoses Some fuel hoses are made up of two laminations, an armoured rubber outer sleeve and an inner viton core. Whenever a hose is removed, ensure that the inner bore is inspected to check...
Fuel system hoses Some fuel hoses are made up of two laminations, an armoured rubber outer sleeve and an inner viton core. Whenever a hose is removed, ensure that the inner bore is inspected to check...
Orientácia a pripojenie hadíc
Correct orientation of cooling system hoses is important to ensure that hoses do not become fatigued or damaged through contact with adjacent components. Where orientation marks are provided on the...
Correct orientation of cooling system hoses is important to ensure that hoses do not become fatigued or damaged through contact with adjacent components. Where orientation marks are provided on the...
Elektrické bezpečnostné opatrenia
General The following guidelines are intended to ensure the safety of the operator whilst preventing damage to the electrical and electronic components of this vehicle. Equipment Prior to commencing...
General The following guidelines are intended to ensure the safety of the operator whilst preventing damage to the electrical and electronic components of this vehicle. Equipment Prior to commencing...
Opatrenia pri manipulácii s palivom
The following information lists basic precautions which must be observed if fuel is to be handled safely. It also outlines other areas of risk which must not be ignored. As this information is issued...
The following information lists basic precautions which must be observed if fuel is to be handled safely. It also outlines other areas of risk which must not be ignored. As this information is issued...
Olejové tesnenia
Always renew oil seals which have been removed either as an individual component or as part of an assembly. Never use a seal which has been improperly stored or handled. Take great care when removing...
Always renew oil seals which have been removed either as an individual component or as part of an assembly. Never use a seal which has been improperly stored or handled. Take great care when removing...
Bezpečnostné opatrenia pri práci so systémom osobnej ochrany (SRS)
UPOZORNENIE: Neinštalujte detské sedačky chrbtom k smeru jazdy na sedadlo predného spolujazdca. The SRS contains components which are potentially hazardous to service personnel if not handled...
UPOZORNENIE: Neinštalujte detské sedačky chrbtom k smeru jazdy na sedadlo predného spolujazdca. The SRS contains components which are potentially hazardous to service personnel if not handled...
Kontrola otrasových snímačov
After any degree of side or frontal body damage, inspect the impact crash sensors. Replace a crash sensor if there is any sign of damage. UPOZORNENIE: Pri lakovaní alebo opravách karosérie v...
After any degree of side or frontal body damage, inspect the impact crash sensors. Replace a crash sensor if there is any sign of damage. UPOZORNENIE: Pri lakovaní alebo opravách karosérie v...
Aktivácia airbagu a predpínača bezpečnostných pásov
UPOZORNENIE: Počas aktivácie sú časti modulu airbagu dostatočne horúce, aby vás mohli popáliť. Po aktivácii počkajte 30 minút, kým sa dotknete modulu airbagu. Deployment procedures and precautions as...
UPOZORNENIE: Počas aktivácie sú časti modulu airbagu dostatočne horúce, aby vás mohli popáliť. Po aktivácii počkajte 30 minút, kým sa dotknete modulu airbagu. Deployment procedures and precautions as...
Výmena komponentov SRS
VAROVANIE: Riadiaci modul zádržných prvkov (RCM) will log a crash fault after every impact which is severe enough to cause airbag deployment. It is possible to have three crashes/impacts logged after...
VAROVANIE: Riadiaci modul zádržných prvkov (RCM) will log a crash fault after every impact which is severe enough to cause airbag deployment. It is possible to have three crashes/impacts logged after...
Nafúknutie predného airbagu
UPOZORNENIE: Ak sú predné airbagy aktivované, je potrebné vymeniť nasledujúce komponenty: Driver airbag module Passenger airbag module Fly leads (where applicable) connecting front airbag modules to...
UPOZORNENIE: Ak sú predné airbagy aktivované, je potrebné vymeniť nasledujúce komponenty: Driver airbag module Passenger airbag module Fly leads (where applicable) connecting front airbag modules to...
Nafúknutie bočného airbagu
VAROVANIE: Ak sa aktivujú bočné hlavové airbagy, na tej strane vozidla, na ktorej došlo k aktivácii, je potrebné vymeniť nasledujúce komponenty: Side curtain airbag Any side impact sensors that have...
VAROVANIE: Ak sa aktivujú bočné hlavové airbagy, na tej strane vozidla, na ktorej došlo k aktivácii, je potrebné vymeniť nasledujúce komponenty: Side curtain airbag Any side impact sensors that have...
Moduly clonových vzduchových clôn
UPOZORNENIE: Ak dôjde k aktivácii modulov hlavového airbagu, na tej strane vozidla, na ktorej došlo k aktivácii, je potrebné vymeniť nasledujúce komponenty: Head airbag modules Link lead between...
UPOZORNENIE: Ak dôjde k aktivácii modulov hlavového airbagu, na tej strane vozidla, na ktorej došlo k aktivácii, je potrebné vymeniť nasledujúce komponenty: Head airbag modules Link lead between...
Náraz auta zozadu
VAROVANIE: Ak sa predpínače bezpečnostných pásov aktivujú počas nárazu zozadu, musia sa vymeniť nasledujúce komponenty: Seat belt pre-tensioners Front and rear seat belt retractors used during the...
VAROVANIE: Ak sa predpínače bezpečnostných pásov aktivujú počas nárazu zozadu, musia sa vymeniť nasledujúce komponenty: Seat belt pre-tensioners Front and rear seat belt retractors used during the...
Bezpečnostné opatrenia týkajúce sa klimatizácie
The A/C system contains fluids and components which could be potentially hazardous to the service engineer or the environment if not serviced and handled correctly. The following guidelines are...
The A/C system contains fluids and components which could be potentially hazardous to the service engineer or the environment if not serviced and handled correctly. The following guidelines are...
Táto sekcia je dostupná na ruský, anglicky, bulharský, bieloruský, ukrajinský, srbský, chorvátsky, rumunský, poľský, maďarský
Podobné časti z príručiek na opravu Land Rover:
• Všeobecné informácie: Techniky opravy Land Rover Freelander 2 (2006-2014)
• Všeobecné informácie: Techniky opravy Land Rover Range Rover 3 (2001-2012)
• Všeobecné informácie: Techniky opravy Land Rover Freelander 2 (2006-2014)
• Všeobecné informácie: Techniky opravy Land Rover Range Rover 3 (2001-2012)