AVERTISMENT: Deși nu este recomandat ca un vehicul să fie pornit, se recunoaște că aceasta poate fi ocazional singura modalitate practică de a mobiliza un vehicul. Trebuie făcută referire la următoarele și, de asemenea, la Secțiunea electrică a acestui manual - Pornirea cu sarcină.
AVERTISMENT: Este recomandabil să nu folosiți seturi de pornire/încărcător pentru pornirea cu sarcină, dar dacă acest lucru este inevitabil, asigurați-vă că seturile nu sunt utilizate în modul "START".
- Always make sure that the jumper cables are adequate for the task.
- Always make sure that the slave battery is of the same voltage (12 volts) as the vehicle battery. The batteries must be connected in parallel.
- Ensure that the battery terminals of both batteries are fully tightened.
- Where another vehicle is used to jump start a disabled vehicle, ensure that the two vehicles are not touching.
- It is advisable that the engine of the donor vehicle is switched off during jump starting; take care to ensure that the battery of the donor vehicle does not also become discharged.
- Always make sure that switchable electric circuits are OFF before connecting jump cables. This reduces the risk of arcing occurring when the final connection is made.
Following jump starting of a disabled vehicle, the discharged battery must be checked for serviceability and recharged as soon as possible to avoid permanent damage.
Do not rely on the generator to restore a discharged battery. For a generator to recharge a battery, it would take in excess of eight hours continuous driving with no additional loads placed on the battery.
Trickle charging (defined as voltages <16 volts) may be carried out with the battery connected. Ensure that the battery terminals are fully tightened prior to trickle charging.
AVERTISMENT: Încărcarea boost poate fi efectuată numai cu bateria deconectată de la vehicul.
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