Fuel system hoses
Some fuel hoses are made up of two laminations, an armoured rubber outer sleeve and an inner viton core. Whenever a hose is removed, ensure that the inner bore is inspected to check that the viton lining has not become separated from the outer sleeve.
ATENȚIE: Nu încercați niciodată să reparați furtunurile de combustibil sau să remediați scurgerile conectorilor "fișare rapidă". Furtunul de combustibil și conectorii trebuie înlocuite ca un ansamblu.
Fuel system hose clips
Certain fuel system hose clips are of the 'break-off head' type where a slot in the screw head shears off when the clip is tightened to a specific torque. These clips may be removed using a screwdriver and must be replaced with new clips on reassembly. Clips must be tightened until the portion of the slot shears off. Do not attempt to tighten clips by any other method, do not fit any other type of clip.
'Quick-fit' connections are also installed to certain fuel hoses. After engagement of 'quick-fit' connections, perform a 'tug' test to make sure connection is securely fitted.
Other fuel system hose clips are of the 'Jubilee' type and there may be a tamper proof cover fitted over the screw head. These cover must be carefully removed before slackening the clip and should be replaced after final tightening, ensuring that the internal hexagon on the cover is correctly located on the clip screw.
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