1. Remove the 25 pan mounting bolts and remove the pan.
2. Remove and discard pan gasket.
1. Wipe down the drip tray and mating surface.
1. Apply a bead of sealant 2 mm thick to the places indicated in the figure.
2. Install a new gasket on the pallet, put the pallet in its place, screw in the mounting bolts, but do not tighten them.
3. Screw in bolts of fastening of the pallet to a transmission, slightly tighten them and weaken again. With this technique, the rear flange of the pallet will take the correct position in relation to the gearbox.
4. Tighten the sump-to-engine bolts evenly and sequentially. The M8 bolts are tightened to a torque of 22 Nm, the M6 bolts are tightened to a torque of 10 Nm.
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