Anaerobic, cyanoacrylate (super glues) and other acrylic adhesives
Many of them are very sensitive to the skin and/or respiratory tract, have a harmful or irritating effect on the skin and respiratory organs. Some of them irritate the eyes. Contact with skin and eyes should be avoided and the manufacturer's instructions should be followed.
DO NOT allow cyanoacrylate adhesives to come into contact with (super glues) on skin and eyes. If the substance comes into contact with the skin or eyes, cover the affected area with a frequently damp cloth and SEEK MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IMMEDIATELY. Do not try to separate the glued tissue yourself. Glue should be used in a well-ventilated area, because. Vapors may cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes.
Solvent Based Adhesives/Sealants
Follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Water Based Adhesives/Sealants
Adhesives/sealants based on polymer emulsions and rubber latexes may contain trace amounts of volatile substances that are toxic and harmful to health. When using these adhesives/sealants, skin and eye contact should be avoided and adequate ventilation should be provided.
Hot melt adhesives
In the solid state, they are safe. When molten, they can cause burns, and toxic fumes can be harmful to health if inhaled.
Appropriate protective clothing and a thermostatically controlled heater with thermal cut-off must be worn when handling them. Adequate exhaust ventilation is required.
Resin based adhesives / sealants
The mixing process must take place in a well ventilated area, as the reaction may release harmful or toxic volatile chemicals.
Contact of uncured resins and hardeners with skin can lead to irritation, dermatitis and penetration of toxic or unhealthy substances through the skin into the body. Splashes may cause eye injury. Provide adequate ventilation and avoid contact of these substances with skin and eyes.
Isocyanate (polyurethane) adhesives / sealants
People who suffer from asthma or are susceptible to respiratory allergies should not work with, or even be near, such materials. these substances can cause an asthma attack or a respiratory allergy.
Excessive exposure to them can cause eye and respiratory irritation. Increased concentration can affect the nervous system, cause lethargy, drowsiness. In extreme cases, loss of consciousness may occur. Prolonged inhalation of high concentrations of fumes can adversely affect health.
Prolonged contact with the skin may lead to degreasing of the skin, which in turn may cause skin irritation and in some cases dermatitis.
Splashes in the eyes may cause discomfort and possibly injury to the eyes.
It is desirable that work with spray guns and aerosols be carried out in separate chambers equipped with exhaust ventilation to remove vapors and aerosol droplets from the breathing zone.
Use appropriate gloves, eye and respiratory protection.
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