ВНИМАНИЕ: Take extra care when painting or carrying out bodywork repairs in the vicinity of the crash sensors. Avoid direct exposure of the crash sensors or link harnesses to heat guns, welding or spraying equipment. Take care not to damage sensor or harness when refitting components.
Clock spring
ВНИМАНИЕ: Always follow the procedure for fitting and checking the clock spring as instructed in the SRS repairs section. Comply with all safety and installation procedures to ensure the system functions correctly. Observe the following precautions:
- Do not unlock and rotate the clock spring when it is removed from the vehicle.
- Do not turn the road wheels when the clock spring is removed from the vehicle.
- Always ensure the clock spring is removed and installed in its central position and with the front road wheels in the straight ahead position - refer to SRS repair section for the correct removal and installation procedure.
- If a new clock spring is being installed, ensure the locking tab holding the spring's rotational position is not broken; units with a broken locking tab must not be used.
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